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Anna's Art Lab Drop In Preschool
Anna's Art Lab Drop In Preschool offers children ages 3 - 6 the opportunity to develop life skills through art.
After receiving a Masters degree in education, math and visual arts from Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany) I worked as a 1st to 10th grade teacher in Germany, Brazil and Africa. When I moved to the US in 2013 I started working as a preschool and kindergarten teacher in addition to opening and establishing Anna’s Art Lab.
Developing personality and personal growth through Art
I believe children are capable of self-expression long before their speech develops. Expression through art enhances self-awareness and supports a child’s overall health and well-being. Giving children a creative outlet trains their imagination and gives them the ability to envision their future goals.
Exploring Art in nature promotes sustainability
Encouraging children to discover the beauty of the natural world around them promotes respect for all living things.
Nature all around us offers a wide variety of materials worth exploring and creating art. Discovering materials, textures and surfaces with all our senses develops creativity and prepares a child to be able to explore new and unexpected experiences in life.
Art develops psycho-motor skills
I use psycho-motor education to improve the relationship between cognitive function and physical movement. Creating art not only develops fine motor skills, but also gross motor skills using the five senses to increase body awareness.
Peace-building and social interaction skills through Art
As a child learns about different artists, art forms, and cultures, they develop appreciation for different perspectives. They learn to see things through different eyes and begin to develop empathy, social understanding and multi-cultural appreciation.
Art to teach language, math and science
I believe there is a strong connection between art, math and science. Art offers a wide spectrum of colorful, playful and lifelike ways to teach these important subjects. After many years of teaching language through art I have learned how much art offers when it comes to developing language skills and communication. The same is true for learning math - shapes, lines, and proportion all lead to an intrinsic understanding of the mathematical world.
- Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays
- Saturdays 10:00- 1:00
- Cohort of maximum
six children.
- A dedicated indoor and
outdoor space.
- Learn German (bilingual
teaching, optional).
- Drop In
Arrival and free play
Morning circle – story time, singing songs, learning activities, introduction into artists, techniques and projects
creative project time
Potty break, washing hands, snack
free play outside and
creative project time
Reading time,
learning activities,
Circle time: time to reflect on the day, to sing songs, play some games and finishing up our art projects.